Berceuse by Vierne with Fingering and Pedaling
Last Saturday Ausra taught Harmony seminar at Vilnius University to some 40 church organists from all over Lithuania. I had a pleasure sitting through it and writing down fingering and pedaling for the Dubois Toccata.
At the same time other organists taught classes on church music, Gregorian chant and other subjects relevant to liturgical musicians. In the evening everyone gathered at our church for a joint recital.
Masterclasses "Organ for the Future of Lithuania" were organized by the National Association of Organists.
My friend and student Paulius Grigonis performed at this joint recital. He played the famous "Berceuse" by Louis Vierne. Incidentally, I had with me my score in which I kept writing in fingering and pedaling. When others saw me writing something in the score, they asked me what I was doing to which I jokingly replied, "I'm writing fingering and pedaling for Paulius so that he could play it tonight."
Actually, this wasn't very far from the truth. Vierne's "Berceuse" sounded towards the end of the program and by the time Paulius' turn had come, I had almost finished the editing process.
I hope you'll enjoy playing this piece yourself from my PDF score (3 pages). I've edited it to be played with pedals and two manuals even though "Berceuse" was originally published on two staves. Here the bottom stave is mostly shared by the left hand and the feet parts.
Let me know how your practice goes.
This score is free for Total Organist students.