Iula from Organ ABC for organ by Vidas Pinkevicius (2020)
Very early in the morning, when Ausra was still asleep I fired up my laptop, MIDI controller keyboard and opened my Hauptwerk program. Today my goal was to improvise the 9th part of my cycle Organ ABC. The 9th letter of the Latin alphabet is "I" so I called it Iula. It is an organ flute stop of the 4' level. We have it at St John's church on the Swell. For this recording I used 4' flute. Its character came out humorous, hence I gave Giocoso indication. The piece is in Bb major key but travels to various keys in between to add more color. I dedicate it to Laurie Mueller for her participation in our Secrets of Organ Playing Contest. Hope you will enjoy it!
PDF score. Beginner level. 1 page.
This piece is free for Total Organist students.