Marche pour la Ceremonie des Turcs by Jean-Baptiste Lully
Today I was looking for some March to start my next online recital and remembered this wonderful March pour la Ceremonie des Turcs by Jean Baptiste Lully. I love it so much not only because it is delightful and masterful music but also because it is written in minor key. You don't see minor keys in marches every day so it's twice as fun.
This piece is is very famous - you can hear it performed with period instruments in a French movie Tout le matin du monde (All the Mornings in the World) with Gerard Depardieu.
I used to play this march from an open score with 5 staves and French clefs but today I arranged it for the organ notation so that other organists could also play it.
Hope you will enjoy it!
PDF score. Basic level. 2 pages.
This piece is free for Total Organist students.